
Attendance systems.

Machine Vision

Welcome to the products page of Namapardaz, a leading company in the machine vision industry. We specialize in creating innovative products that leverage the power of machine vision to solve complex problems and drive efficiency in various sectors. Our team is composed of experts in machine learning, software development, and computer science, allowing us to develop tailored solutions that cater to the unique needs of our clients. We believe in the power of machine vision and its potential to revolutionize the manufacturing industry

Face Attendance Device

**Unmatched accuracy:** Advanced algorithms deliver **near-perfect facial recognition**, even in challenging lighting conditions.

AI Educational Robot

* **Safe and trusted companion:** Developed with user safety and privacy in mind, offering peace of mind for parents. * **Constantly evolving:** New activities and learning content are added regularly, keeping the fun and learning fresh.

Face Smart Lock

* **Advanced facial recognition:** Say goodbye to keycards and codes. Our secure technology grants access only to authorized individuals, offering **unparalleled peace of mind**. * **Remote monitoring:** Receive notifications and keep an eye on your home even when you're away, through **real-time activity tracking**.

Namapardaz is a leading machine vision

Welcome to the project page of Namapardaz, a leading company in the machine vision industry. We specialize in creating innovative products that leverage the power of machine vision to solve complex problems and drive efficiency in various sectors. Our team is composed of experts in machine learning, software development, and computer science, allowing us to develop tailored solutions that cater to the unique needs of our clients. We believe in the power of machine vision and its potential to revolutionize the manufacturing industry

Attendance device

Educational AI Robot

Smart Lock

Barcode Reader

License Plate reader

Trafic Control


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